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  • Board Update Draft — SS


    FINISHING STRONG: Maintaining pressure on South Sudan leaders to implement the peace agreement fully

    Ahead of our planned exit from our South Sudan campaign, in May we coordinated a successful campaign that persuaded the United Nations Security Council to adopt resolution 2521 (2020) renewing the arms embargo and targeted sanctions regime on South Sudan until 31 May, 2021. The resolution further requested the UN Secretariat to provide a report assessing the role of the embargo in facilitating the implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement. The goal: to send a clear signal to the leaders of South Sudan of sustained international attention and concern that the long-negotiated peace agreement be fully implemented and that there is readiness to act against those that undermine or impede the peace process.

    The Council result, with 12 member states voting in favor and 3 abstaining, made it the largest vote in support of the arms embargo since it was applied to South Sudan in 2018. The campaign succeeded in persuading previously undecided Council members (Vietnam, Indonesia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Tunisia, and Niger) to vote in support of renewal, and ensured that South Africa abstained instead of opposing the resolution. South Africa’s abstention in turn helped prevent China and Russia from vetoing the resolution.

    South Sudanese civil society and policymakers commended the UN’s decision, while policymakers in New York and Juba highlighted the value of civil society’s efforts in ensuring overwhelming support for the embargo’s renewal. A US official told us: “None of our efforts here would be possible without your support and advocacy.”

    This outcome was made possible by a number of private and public actions coordinated by Crisis Action, including:

    Exiting from South Sudan

    As part of our planned exit from campaigning on South Sudan, we compiled and shared a directory of contacts of CSOs, policy makers, experts and media to help facilitate connections and continued collaboration. Our office in Nairobi will maintain a watching brief on the situation in South Sudan monitoring for any change that would trigger our re-engagement.

    We are also launching a ‘Learning Lab’ on our South Sudan work, tasking our long-standing Nairobi office staff member Davis Makori to capture the story of our South Sudan work, along with all the lessons we’ve learnt along the way.

    Finally, our China team remains engaged on South Sudan – see more in board paper 255.