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  • October Quarterly Update 2021

    The Sahel


    The Sahel has been experiencing a rapidly deteriorating security and political situation, including several mass-killings in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, one coup d’etat in Chad and yet another in Mali. Crisis Action worked with partners to engage Sahelian governments and their regional and international partners to prioritise the protection of civilians in their interventions and response while also accelerating the dissemination and roll out of the report ‘The Sahel: What needs to change’.

    Increasing pressure on governments to uphold commitments to protect civilians

    In welcome signs of impact, key governments have embraced the crucial ask of the Sahel campaign to date – to adopt a broader strategy beyond a military approach for the Sahel crisis. In July, President Macron announced concrete actions and timelines for a French troop reduction from the region, and Norway and the UK both publicly declared their alignment with the strategy and priorities of the People’s Coalition. Beyond his recognition of the limits of a military response, Burkinabe Minister of Reconciliation Diabré expressed interest to work with the People’s Coalition to advance their report recommendations.

    To achieve this, Crisis Action:


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